What's the distinction in the middle of one rehab schedule and another? Which drug and alcohol detox and rehab schedule should you or a loved one go to? Do you know the separate types or models of recovery?
Here is a overview of the separate approaches to detox and rehab that I am familiar with after working in the field of drug abuse for 8 years as a drug rehab advisor and drug prevention specialist.
Medical Detox
Medical detox is the use of medications, such as benzodiazepines, clonidine, suboxone, etc, to more smoothly withdraw person from alcohol, methadone, opiates or other drugs of abuse. Popular ,favorite healing facilities and healing doctors and staff are required to administer the varied treatments to sustain with difficult or otherwise long withdrawals from these drugs.
Some healing detox facilities use a composition of healing and natural / holistic approaches to detox. These methods generally speed saving time and relax straight through retirement agreeing to client testimonials.
Non-Medical Detox
This might mean withdrawing person from drugs without medication. Non-medical detox is sometimes more effective than healing detox as a drug abuser is sick of using drugs and is extremely averse to any more drugs going into their bodies. Non-medical detox may mean the extremely skilled use of alternative nutrients, sometimes Iv's and natural therapy's to sustain a person to more conveniently retirement and detox from drugs / pharmaceuticals and correct brain function. (Agora Regeneration Clinics Ltd)
Some healing and non-medical detox is extremely sophisticated and involves many testing and appraisal protocols not used by former healing detox centers. Ie nutrient, vitamin and allergy testing to name only a few.
Bio-Physical Detox
Drug residuals have been found to get lodged in the fatty tissues of the body. This includes the brain, kidney, liver, muscles as well as the fat. Previous drug abusers sometimes relapse back to using drugs due to corporal cravings for the drugs which they say doesn't go away after healing detox or rehab.
Bio-physical Detox involves a total and full detoxification requiring weeks or months of natural detox methods like extensive sauna baths, vitamin and nutritional supplementation, oppressive exercise, proper rest, improving diet, drinking lots of water, etc.
Some Bio-physical Detox has been given extensive scientific testing and proven itself under many separate populations - drug addicts; dangerous chemical / gas victims (fire fighters, pesticides / herbicides -- Ddt; reasoning / spiritual betterment, condition improvement. (see Townsend Letter Apr 2006 #273)
Traditional & 12 Step Rehab Methods
Traditional and 12 Step models include about 95% of the rehab installation programs in the Us and Canada. Their successes vary massively depending on the town and how the town defines success. One town can vary greatly from an additional one in terms of professionalism, care and results.
12 Step programs effort to intervene in the middle of the decisions to abuse drugs and desires to stay clean. A drug addict or alcoholic have been solving life's problems with a fix, drink, hit, or other drugs. 12 Step methods use sponsors, meetings, actions, education, etc techniques to stop supplementary drug abuse. 12 Step programs also look collective educational programs from step 4 onward, as a personal accountability in ones saving is thinkable, of a 12 stepper. 12 Step includes principals of spiritual relationship through-out the process.
Medical / psychological programs use separate drugs and counselors in their intervention efforts. Normally healing programs are either trying to make a client more comfortable while in rehab or they have verily done some extensive testing to find basic healing problems which could by spurring the substance abuser to use drugs. A typical example is hypo-thyroid conditions. Psychological approaches either effort to correct aberrant behavior straight through adjusting the reasoning of the client. It may involve on-going counseling for in-determinant amounts of time after a stay in rehab is completed.
Sometimes drugs that create aversion to drinking are used as with Schick Shadel programs. Other substitute drugs like methadone for opiate abuse and Ritalin for cocaine / meth abuse have been used by many schedule models.
Non-Traditional Rehab Methods
Social Educational or learning models focus on improving abilities and expanding self control or will power straight through enlightenment or cognitive realization. Combinations of study, exercise, counseling and practical application of processes are applied to bring about desired states of being. Often a type of therapeutic society is established due to the camaraderie of clients assisting each other straight through the tough times of their recovery.
As collective educational programs are my forte, I will list the specific programs I am familiar with along with their posted success rates.
Jude Thaddeus schedule (Jt), or St. Jude's is a social/educational approach rather than a medical/psychological methodology putting control over one's saving in their own hands rather than a doctor, psychologist, or group. Jt provides an opportunity to constantly recover, because Jt believe's it is a option - not a disease. Jt's success rate for 12 years is over 68%. (Ref: St. Jude stepping back House)
Rational saving or Rr, has a separate approach than former or 12 Step methods. Rr labels separate behaviors and parts of a mind model to get a person to recover straight through cognitive or increased awareness and control over their addictions. Focus is on self-recovery from addiction to alcohol and other drugs straight through planned, permanent abstinence straight through greater self awareness / control. (Ref: Jack Trimpey, Founder Rr)
Narconon (Nn) Drug rehabilitation is a drug-free all natural collective educational approach to ending addiction. Narconon considers clients as students who are not trying to recover from an illness. Nn students enroll to learn something that they didn't already know. Nn addresses the disabilities caused by drug abuse with new abilities, new skills for effective living. Narconon posts success rates averaging 75% Narconon uses the non-medical detox & Bio-physical formula of detoxification. (Narconon: An overview Of Results).
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